KGECL® has setup the theme project,
the Save Hangul Campaign. The majestic Hangul or Kashmir Stag (cervus elaphus hanglu) is a powerful symbol of the very future
of Kashmir.
The Save Hangul Campaign is an
experiment with the truth that the indifference of the people and the authorities towards this beautiful creature known as
HANGUL, which is calling us SAVE ME, I Am Dying!
The Save Hangul Campaign will focus
on conservation, lobbying, discussions, debates, conferences, summit, talks, video screenings and many more at our summer
capital, SRINAGAR. The Campaign will be the first of such events for the protection of an endangered
Species in our state.
We are looking for eco-volunteers
for the Hangul Conservation Programme (HCP) to assist and help us in this bold venture. Volunteers will not receive any remuneration,
but they will be rewarded for their contribution. Also, the Save Hangul Campaign, KGECL®, J&K will provide a good opportunity to watch documentaries, films and interaction with Wildlife Photographers,
Environmentalists, Wildlife Experts, Eco-Volunteers, Students, Enviro-Journalists and many other great personalities. Applicants
with keen interest in the Adventure, Wildlife, Environmental Conservation and theatre drama or other art streams will be preferred.
All selected volunteers will be
undergoing an I.Q test prior to the event. Those who remain with us for the whole campaign will be offered a membership, certificate
of participation and other relevant literature.